Monday, January 31, 2011

Our Safari

The fort above the national park. In the above photo, look to the far right- see the monkey?

I thought this was pretty.
What we saw the most of on our trip - deer.
baby deer
a little bigger deer

I really like this one - just chewing away, not caring we are there.
This deer alerted our guide there that might be a tiger or leopard in the area by making a sound similar to a bark before hightailing it out of there- literally.
This is the national bird of India, the Kingfisher. They are beautiful. I really wanted a photo of them flying, but didn't get one.

No, this is not Africa, and that is not Timon.

On the Road

One never knows what one will see along the side of the road while touring India.
Women in the fields - sorry for the blur, there was no stopping for photo ops.

a refrigerator being pushed on a hand cart.

taking a bread in a wagon

a booth along the side of the road
another booth- notice he is sitting cross legged on his booth.
I liked the camels :)
People live along the road in town.
camels and buses side by side
This is one of the 7 gates of the pink city. Notice the motorbikes in front of the bus. They make their way to the front of the line when there is a pause in traffic. It usually looks like a race when they take off.
Our door man at the hotel.